Posts about gratitude

The gift of our calling

It was five years, almost to the day, but if you saw a picture of that Bishop from the start of his term, you'd be forgiven for thinking 15 or 20 years had passed. The marital disputes, the midnight runs to the chapel to forestall eviction, and the last-second interviews had taken their toll on both his hairline and his beltline. "Busy as a man can be," indeed. But...

Dumpster fire? No, 2020 was a great year!

All through the year, our news feeds have been inundated with messages like:

  • "Kobe Bryant, Alex Trebek, Sean Connery, and RGB? This year can't get any worse."
  • "First COVID and now murder hornets? Lord, just take me now."
  • "This is crazy. I can't imagine bringing kids into this world."
  • "2020 is a dumpster fire of a year. Wake me up with 2020 is over."

Amid such gloom, Pres....

#GiveThanks and #AskNothing

On Friday, the Prophet invited us to "turn social media into your own personal gratitude journal. Post every day about what you are grateful for… flood social media with a wave of gratitude that reaches the four corners of the earth."

That invitation couldn’t have come at a better time, and I’m grateful to accept it. However, I was also prompted to add a little something extra to my search...

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